Meet a Mustang: Emily Foster!
Emily Foster – Senior at PCM
Q. What are some of your hobbies?
A. Photography and writing poetry
Q. What activities do you do?
A. Basketball, volleyball, soccer
Q. How are you?
A. Great, fantastic
Q. What’s your favorite food
A. Chinese
Q. How do you think dinosaurs got extinct
A. Meteor
Q. Do you think mermaids are real?
A. Yes, because we haven’t explored all of the ocean
Q. Nike or Under Armour
A. Nike
Q. Pizza or Hamburgers
A. Hamburgers
Q. What do you like to do in your free time
A. Sleep
Q. How do you feel about really tall people
A. I think it’s cool
Q. What’s your favorite color?
A. Blue
Q. How many states or places have you been to?
A. Nine states

My name is Eleigh Davis. I am a senior at PCM high school. I have been in Journalism for 2 and a half years. Outside of Journalism, I am involved in marching...