When the leaves change, you feel a chill in the air, and the houses are decorated with the colors of orange, red, yellow, and brown, what is the first thing that comes to mind? My friends and I would say it is the show, “Gilmore Girls.” No show captures the essence of this season quite like this TV show. This beloved series is the perfect comfort show because it is set in the charming town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut and it offers a loving relationship between a daughter and mother, as well as many more relationships throughout the series. It also has many scenes that resonate with the warm and cozy feeling of autumn.
First and foremost, Stars Hollow is set in a small town in Connecticut. If you want a more realistic idea of the town, think of the small towns in New England, USA, with eye-pleasing charm, community spirit, and vibrant culture. In the show, Stars Hollow has a town celebration for almost every little occasion that comes up, whether it is an official holiday or they are simply celebrating that it is finally autumn and the leaves have turned color. Not only do they have these celebrations, but the town and its residents go all out for them. They have town meetings to prepare and have dancers, singers, stands for food, games to play, and much more. Unless it is obviously winter or looks like Christmas, the show regularly captures the tone and mood that matches the essence of autumn, year-round.
This show is about a woman named Lorelei who had a daughter at a very young age. She leaves her home and builds her own life with the help of the people in Stars Hollow. Both Lorelei and her daughter Rory have an amazing sense of sarcastic humor that you can just sit back and laugh at while drinking a cup of chai tea and eating freshly baked pumpkin-spiced cookies. The show is based on their everyday life together and the viewer watches them go through relationships and family issues while also learning life lessons along the way. Since the town is based in Connecticut and the highest temperature is around 70 degrees, the characters dress in fall-like clothes year-round. Lorilei dresses in warm-toned patterns with light layers making a unique comfortable look. Rory dresses more trendy, with cozy sweaters, long-sleeved shirts, and cardigans along with casual jeans.
The show originally kicks off in the fall with the leaves falling while Lorelei and Rory sit in their favorite coffee shop getting a hot cup of coffee. Not only are the characters and town dressed and decorated in a fall tone, but the filter used throughout the show is warm and vibrant. This is similar to when a horror movie is darker toned or a comedy is a little brighter; the overall vibe of the lighting, background, music, and characters help give the setting that the creators of the show are looking for. Overall, “Gilmore Girls” stands as the best fall show because of its attention to autumnal visuals everything, and the tone the director and producer give off using an accurate filter to represent fall. This show gives us the opportunity to savor simple moments, such as drinking a hot cup of coffee on a chilly autumn day, making it a perfect match to enter the fall season with.
Why “Gilmore Girls” is the Ultimate Fall Show
Eliana Buswell, Staff Writer
October 2, 2023
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Eliana Buswell, ThunderTV Editor
My name is Eliana Buswell, and I have been a part of journalism for one year being the editor of Thunder TV. I am a senior at PCM High School. I play softball, volleyball, golf, and help out with the High School play being a stage crew member. I love traveling, specifically to the ocean. My goal for this year is to make Thunder TV amazing, making people laugh while obtaining news about our school. In 10 years, I see myself as an event manager, on my way to creating my own business in that department. I am in Journalism because I have thought about it every year and I decided since it was my last I should join, and I am happy I did.