My dream hunting trip

My dream hunting trip

Ever since I was a child, I have hunted for deer and turkey with my dad. These are some of my fondest memories from my childhood, just sitting in a blind or tree stand enjoying the great outdoors. Being able to take a picture with a deer that my dad shot was really cool. As I grew older I started to hunt myself and shoot deer. I wasn’t old enough to be able to drive myself anywhere so I always had to wait for my dad to go out to go with him. Now I can go out hunting by myself whenever I want to, even though I wish I could go out with him like when I was a kid. 

My dream hunting trip is to go to New Zealand and hunt for Elk or a Fallow deer. These animals are really cool, they each have their own really cool features. Fallow deer have almost like paddles for antlers, while elk just have really big antlers. Here in Iowa we don’t really have mountains to hunt on so we don’t carry these kinds of animals. Being able to hunt in the mountains for one of these animals would be a great achievement in my life. This hunt would be like the normal hunting that most hunters do. These animals being up in the mountains I will have to go out walking miles uphill and downhill. Being in the mountains has its own risks like falling down the mountains or the other predators that can harm me.

If I was able to harvest one of these animals I would take it to a taxidermist to have it mounted on a wall. Ever since I can remember we had deer hung up on the wall. Seems like there’s always something new getting hung up on the wall from deer to ducks. The elk I would like to get full body mounted because the animal is so cool and the size of it wouldn’t be shown as well unless it’s fully mounted. The fallow deer I would get shoulder mounted because the size of the body doesn’t make the mount pop as much as an elk does.