New Year’s Resolution Q/A

As we say peace out to 2020, we also welcome 2021 and hope it is far better than the chaotic mess that was 2020. One of the most intriguing things that the new year brings are New Year’s resolutions. Some people have them, some people hate them, and some people don’t care enough to have one. PCM High School has very diverse views about New Year’s Resolutions. Five students and three teachers were asked what their New Year’s resolutions were and why. Here are their responses:


What is your New Year’s resolution?


  • “I don’t have one because they’re stupid and no one ever follows them” – Ryan Bennett (9)


  • “Mine is to read more motivational quotes, get more organized and motivate myself more. I want to be more happy and those things will all lift me up.” – Ella Schendel (9)


  • “To go to bed earlier and to be nicer. I am trying [to follow them] but I’m too busy to go to bed early but I’m really trying to be nicer.” – Evelyn Burkett (10)


  • “To get big because I want to get big.” – August Stock (10)


  • “I don’t know what mine is this year. I like to pick things like say yes to more things or go to more places because they aren’t easy like everyone else’s.” – Belle Hudnut (11)


  • “I want to spend more time playing the piano and I want to read more books. I am already following through with them because I’ve already read one book and I am halfway through another one. I have also begun playing the piano more, too!” – Brooke Grett (English/Journalism Teacher)


  • “I don’t have one because I like to set small goals for myself, not everyday, but more than once a year. Like more small things so I don’t feel like a failure.” – Kristina Gallaher (Study Hall Adviser/Librarian)


  • “I don’t have a New Year’s resolution because I am not good at following through with them, so I just didn’t make one. If I had to say one, mine would be to just be better in general.” – Kristen Burghorn (Business/ Computer Applications Teacher)