PCM golf season is coming up! Golf starts on the 24th of March and many golfers have been starting earlier to get ready for the big season. Another factor that is helping the kids get out is the beautiful weather. Brelee Burger and Emilyn Davis say they are getting ready for the upcoming season by going to lessons and getting out whenever the weather allows. On the boy’s side Easton VanVeen says “To prepare for golf I am just making sure to find one thing to improve on at a time, golf is a very repetitive sport.”
Next, the golfers were asked about their goals for the upcoming season. First Emilyn Davis says “As a team I hope we get pretty far this year I know we have a lot of girls who have been practicing and working hard over the winter and I think that’s really going to help us out, as an individual my goal is to try and make it into the 40s ish for a score and also try to get into state this year.” Then Brelee Berger shared her goals. “As a team this year I hope we can either place top three or like at least win a meet I think that would be pretty cool and as an individual, I just hope I get more consistent with my numbers and I’m able to hit every single club to an average point”. Junior Charlie Ford stated for the boy’s side that “I really hope we can make it to state or close this year but overall I just want to do good at our meets and keep working hard.”
Finally, the girls where asked about how they feel about their upcoming meet after spring break. Burger responded, “I am exited, I personally am going out to Diamond Trail this Saturday to get a feel for the course it’ll be fun and hopefully not cold”. Davis followed “ I’m super exited and I cant wait to get out there.”