The Outlook – December 19, 2024
December 15, 2024
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About the Contributors
Rylee Parsons, Print Editor
My name is Rylee Parsons, and I’m a junior here at PCM! I’ve participated in travel softball for over 10 years, high school softball for 4 years, journalism for 2 years as the print editor, yearbook for 2 years, student government for 2 years, fellowship of Christian athletes for 2 years, first reformed church senior high youth for 2 years, key club for 1 year, and big student little student for 1 year. I love being on the journalistic side of the school because of the ability to connect with the people around me and be able to open up my circle to anyone!
Abby Bradbury, Staff Writer
My name is Abby Bradbury, and this is my first year in yearbook and journalism. I am a freshman here at PCM High School, and I am so excited to be part of the staff. I wanted to join journalism and the yearbook to capture memories and create new ones. So far I participate in Student Government, FCA, Key Club, volleyball, and hope to run track in the spring. I say my favorite color is purple, but if I am being honest, my favorite color is based on whatever I see at the moment. I am excited to see what I can add to this year's programs!
Libby Winters, Staff Writer
My name is Libby Winters, and this is my first year in journalism. I'm a freshman at PCM High School, and for my activities I'm in softball, basketball, track, and volleyball. I also participate in Student Government, FCA, and Key Club. I'm excited for this year so I can experience new things and learn more about all my classmates. I hope that journalism can improve my writing skills and bring me out of my comfort zone.
Peyton Lathrum, Staff Writer
I’m Peyton Lathrum. I am a freshman, so this is my first year of journalism. I’ve played softball and volleyball all my life and just started track in seventh grade. I’m involved in Key Club, FCA, and I am hoping to do big student little student. The reason I joined journalism is that I love taking pictures, especially of sports. My goals for this year are to keep my grades up and help my community as much as possible.
Piper Clark, Website Editor
My name is Piper Clark, and this is my first year in journalism. I am a junior in high school, and I participate in the fall play, 4H, key club, student government, speech, NHS, choir, and honor choir. I enjoy volunteering, listening to music, and spending time with my friends. I decided to join journalism this year because it's a good opportunity to meet new people and continue what I did in the yearbook on a higher level. I’m excited to edit an amazing website this year!