The PCM Marching Band got new uniforms! Senior Jake Winters interviewed Ms. LaFoy about the new uniforms. When LaFoy was asked, “What is the process of getting the new band uniforms?” She replied with, ”I reached out to the company that designed our uniforms, DeMOULIN” Ms. LaFoy started this process last November. She went through their play book of uniforms that they have done then she picked out a design that she liked. She talked to Chris McCurdy this whole time and sent her different sketches of designs having a conversation back and forth. It took them about six sketches to get what she wanted. DeMOULIN then sent a sample uniform that they made for them so she could take a look at it and decide on what she liked and didn’t. Once she designed her design and got it approved, she had to fit all the marching band kids to make sure they all had the perfect fitting. It took the company a few months for them to make them and finally get the uniforms here. After almost a year’s worth of work their new uniforms came in and look better than ever!
Marching Mustangs and Their New Look !!!
September 29, 2024
Junior Keely Spencer showing off the new band uniforms during the halftime show
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About the Contributors

Skyler Jennings, Staff Writer
My name is Skyler Jennings, and this is my 1st year in journalism as a staff member. I’m a sophomore and did 4 years in band, 6 years in choir, 2 years in football and track and field, and 1 year in basketball. I have a calico cat named Ash. In 10 years, I see myself being 4 years out of college with my master degree and working as a musical therapist.

Rylee Parsons, Print Editor
My name is Rylee Parsons, and I’m a junior here at PCM! I’ve participated in travel softball for over 10 years, high school softball for 4 years, journalism for 2 years as the print editor, yearbook for 2 years, student government for 2 years, fellowship of Christian athletes for 2 years, first reformed church senior high youth for 2 years, key club for 1 year, and big student little student for 1 year. I love being on the journalistic side of the school because of the ability to connect with the people around me and be able to open up my circle to anyone!