Q: How did you get into this position?
A: “Mrs. Havenstite sent out an application and I applied for the position and then some school board members reviewed the applications and those didn’t have our names on them. After reviewing them they picked mine and then I got chosen.”
Q: What does this entale?
A: “I go to every school board meeting and if it is something that evolves students or the students or anything like that in general. I have the opportunity to speak up and give my opinion on it and in the future when there’s something that revolves around the student that’s bigger I’ll be able to bring it back here and get students input on it then bring it back to the school board and discuss it further with them.”
Q: How do you feel this position is beneficial?
A: “I really want to grow in my leadership roles and I think that this is a big help with that. It teaches me how to talk to adults in a more serious situation and in the future I want to go into a leadership role so once again that will help me with that.”