Deranged Dillon

I’m angry. I get angrier every day. It’s the little things that get you, a lack of consideration here, a weird look there. They slowly break you down until you don’t even realize when things bother you. You get mad without even understanding why. It eventually desensitizes you so then you don’t know how to express yourself when something larger and more important happens. We live in a country where something important happens all the time.
Womens’ rights are stepped on. They don’t even have a guarantee over the autonomy of their own bodies. Many states are outlawing abortions and reducing efforts to keep contraceptives easily accessible for the major population. It is claimed it is for the sake of protecting human life, despite the fact that scientifically it is not life. It is also incredibly dangerous both physically and socially. There are many reasons why a woman would want or need an abortion, but it shouldn’t be someone else’s business.
Trans’ rights are targeted. There are people who decide they don’t like what other people do to themselves with the help of educated medical professionals in order to make themselves happier. Gender affirming care is being restricted, but it also isn’t. Something like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is being limited by people who don’t have these feelings, people who don’t have an understanding of why it saves lives. Cis people get gender affirming care with very little trouble in ways such as hair transplants, breast implants and even testosterone for men if they experience low levels. It is objectively a double standard where there shouldn’t be a standard at all. A human being shouldn’t be afraid of being harmed because they want to present themselves differently than someone expects them to. People have been hurt by others. They have been hurt by themselves because of worrying about others. It is wrong.
I am more than just angry, I am also sad. Lives are lost for no other reason than a disagreement of how one should live. I do not like people generally, but I find it pathetic that after thousands of years we still can’t figure out the fact that people are different. Thank you.

My name is Dillon Jenkins and I am new to the world of Journalism. I am here because writing is my kryptonite, and if I plan on passing classes in college...