Speech students seize state

Coaches Janice Davis and Brooke Grett pictured with all of the students present at the district competition. Photo taken by Nikolas Ball.
Saturday, Jan. 21 students in Group Speech competed at South Tama High School. Out of the seven groups that competed, four made it to state. The categories we had students competing in were: Short Film, Group Improv, Choral Reading, Musical Theatre and Ensemble Acting. The groups continuing are Short Film, a Group Improv team and both Musical Theatre entries. Choral Reading, Ensemble Acting and the other Group Improv entry all received a two, meaning they were close to moving on to state as well. Each group is given a rating of either one, two, three or four based on how the judges score them, with one being the best and moving on to State. They also receive constructive feedback on what was liked and disliked, so that they may improve for the next year.
The short film was created by Justin Hall, Max Kimball and Dillon Jenkins. The Improv group moving on consisted of Eleigh Davis, Emilyn Davis, Carter Dudley and Jake Winters. Jeri Eisbrenner, Ashlyn Alleger, Jordan VanderWerf, Cate Humpal, Keira Stone and Jocelyn Burg sang “Revenge Party” from the musical Mean Girls. Emilyn Davis and Carter Dudley sang “Love is an Open Door” from the movie Frozen. From there, they have been practicing in order to make it past the State competition and reach All-State. Students have begun practicing for competition in Individual Speech as well. Jeri Eisbrenner explains the hard work and preparation that goes into reaching state.
“[We practice] an ungodly amount. I- theatre is what I do, so it, well… Other people dedicate more time to sports, this is like… my big thing. So when I’m not here rehearsing, I’m at home, in my car, um, trying to get input from family and friends, working with people in my speech group outside of speech. Or if it’s [for] individuals talking with teachers, trying to get input.”
These performances can have a strong impact on people. “…when Trey and I went to State last year, and performed our entry ‘Wine and Marriage,’ which is an ensemble acting piece, there was a grown man in the back of the room, who I heard, after the fact, was crying when we finished, um, performing. Which I thought was really, really, powerful, and super great to experience.” said Eisbrenner.
State Speech will take place Feb. 4 in Cedar Rapids at Washington High School. “I find a lot of joy in doing speech, and that’s why I pursue it every year and I [love] it.”

My name is Dillon Jenkins and I am new to the world of Journalism. I am here because writing is my kryptonite, and if I plan on passing classes in college...