My honest opinion of Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park movie logo.

Ethan McCoy

Jurassic Park movie logo.

Genre:  Sci-Fi, Thriller, Adventure

This movie has earned 4.5 stars out of 5 from me. 

Spoiler Alerts to come with my honest opinion.

This movie takes place in the year 1993 on a secluded (fictional) island located 120 miles west of Costa Rica called Isla Nublar.  

The main characters in this movie are John Hammond played, Dr. Alan Grant, Dr. Ellie Sattler, Dr. Ian Malcolm, and John Hammonds’s grandchildren Lex and Tim Murphy.  There are many other key characters in this movie such as Dennis Nedry who is an important antagonist, Ray Arnold who is the main technician at Jurassic Park, and of course, we have the dinosaurs that are living on the island.  

In the movie, Jurassic Park John Hammond has created a park with live dinosaurs of all species for what he hopes to be accessible for all to enjoy.  Unfortunately, when a mishap with one of his employees happens early on in the movie John is forced to prove to lawyers that his park is safe and secure for all to enjoy.  He will “Spare No Expense.”  John enlists the help of three doctors in hopes of them endorsing his theme park.  Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, and Dr. Malcolm are transported to the island to have the full experience of Jurassic Park.  John Hammond also invites his two grandchildren Lex and Tim to enjoy this special tour.  Their adventure starts out spectacular when they encounter a live brachiosaur. Right away all three doctors are astonished by what John Hammond has created.

The group loads up to leave on a vehicle tour of the park and as they are out enjoying their time a large storm is reported to be heading straight to the island, which must be evacuated immediately.  Dennis Nedry, who was on a mission to steal dinosaur DNA to sell to a rival company, shuts down some security in order to access the DNA samples.  When he does this it also shuts down the tour as well as the security fences for the park paddocks.  Although Dennis does not succeed with his plan, he causes the next few days to be a living nightmare for anyone left on the island after the boats evacuate.

The main characters go through many trials and tribulations in order to stay alive and get off of the island.  Some characters do not make it to that final helicopter ride away from the island but in the end John Hammond, Lex, Tim, Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, and Dr. Malcolm do escape with their lives.  

My favorite character is Dr. Alan Grant.  Dr. Grant is the Indiana Jones of Jurassic Park.  He is quick thinking, intelligent, and ready for anything!

I loved this movie because of all the fast-paced action, the different survival methods that were used, the dinosaurs were so realistic for their time, and the storytelling keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting more.  

I would recommend this movie to anyone who is a dinosaur fan as well as any action movie lovers.  There is fast-paced action throughout the whole movie and the intense scenes are thrilling for almost all viewers.  

If you haven’t watched this movie yet, I suggest you watch “Spare No Expense” and add this to your watch list!