STOM: January 2023

January Stents of the Month Evan Johnson (left) and Jaden Fairbanks (right) pose for a picture.

Name: Jaden Fairbanks 

Nickname: N/A

Parents: Tami and Brian Fairbanks

Employer: neighbors

Future plans: attend Iowa State University to major in animal science

Extracurricular activities: Volleyball, band, color guard, FFA, track and field, trapshooting, NHS

Three words that describe me: caring, understanding, responsible

Favorite classes: FFA, fitness, band

Advice for underclassmen: Try anything and everything that sounds interesting because most of the time it is.

Best high school memory: going to Nationals my junior and senior year

Dream job: Veterinarian

Favorite book: The Menagerie

Favorite movie: live action Cinderella

Favorite musician/band: anything country


Name: Evan Johnson

Nickname: N/A

Parents: Brian and Wendy Johnson

Employer: Mike Johnson

Future plans: attend Iowa State University to study engineering

Extracurricular activities: Band, show choir, robotics

Three words that describe me: I don’t know

Favorite classes: Math, computer science

Advice for underclassmen: Don’t do nothing

Best high school memory: the Robotics state championship

Dream job: don’t have one yet

Favorite book: Curious George

Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption

Favorite musician/band: Red Hot Chili Peppers