The Davis name
Being here is draining. When I say here I mean at PCM and at home. I do the same thing everyday. Wake up, school, basketball, play practice, eat dinner, go to sleep, and then repeat it. Five days a week. What I would give to just lay down and sleep for a good 12 hours. I would give my dog, my car, and even my sister. Being here in Monroe isn’t just mentally and emotionally draining, it’s physically draining as well.
I hold myself to high standards. Having my last name has given me many things in life, good things, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. My family are good people. Thoughtful, hardworking, punctual, and most of all kind. Those words are what my parents have taught me and my siblings to be. Ever since the beginning of middle school I knew that I had big shoes to fill. Having two older brothers did not help. My brothers did everything. Soccer, football, the arts, baseball, national honor society, you name it they did it. I think part of that was my parents breathing down their necks but who knows. Since they did everything, I had to do the same. So I started doing every sport in middle school. Year round I would be active and doing something. Along with sports, I did the musical as well as both band and choir. I look back and realize how exhausted I was when I was only 12 years old. My early teen years were filled with activities that half the time I did not want to do.
When going into high school, my parents let me figure out what I wanted to focus on. I immediately dropped volleyball just because I can’t jump to save my life. I stuck with most things though. It was like I was programmed to where if I wasn’t doing something I had no purpose. Being a part of something was my purpose and I kept my name involved. If you go out into the community and ask around. I bet you will find that most people know my name, or my family’s name. These past four years I have built up a reputation for myself. A reputation that was exhausting to build. I worked hard and have risked a lot for it. It has kinda sucked how long and hard I have worked to be where I am today. I just keep thinking to myself that it’s my last year here. Last year of having a set schedule and having my family around. Last year of being called Davis. I am counting down the days until I can leave and find out who I really am outside of all the sports and activities. Outside of Monroe, and especially PCM.

My name is Eleigh Davis. I am a senior at PCM high school. I have been in Journalism for 2 and a half years. Outside of Journalism, I am involved in marching...
Charity Abbott • Oct 31, 2022 at 11:22 am
Eleigh, I love this so much. Very good.