Meet a Mustang: Caden Bouwkamp!
Caden Bouwkamp hangs out in the library in his blue hoodie!
Caden Bouwkamp – Junior at PCM
Q. What’s your favorite color?
A. Red
Q. What do you do in your free time?
A. Play basketball
Q. Do you believe in any mythical creatures?
A. No
Q. Do you play video games?
A. Sometimes
Q. What extracurricular activities do you do?
A. Jazz Band, Basketball, Soccer
Q. How tall are you?
A. 5’10
Q. Do you play any sports?
A. Basketball and Soccer
Q. Dogs or Cats?
A. Dogs because they are more friendly
Q. Did you like being homeschooled?
A. I did when I was younger but when I started getting older I started to like it less
Q. What’s your favorite subject in school?
A. Chemistry
Q. What do you want to do after high school?
A. Go to college
Q. What’s your favorite animal?
A. Penguins

My name is Eleigh Davis. I am a senior at PCM high school. I have been in Journalism for 2 and a half years. Outside of Journalism, I am involved in marching...