by Zach DeBruin
A new face has entered the heart of the high school as a new study hall teacher becomes part of the staff. Ms. Stephanie Reed takes the place of Ms. Tammy Tuttle. Tuttle resigned the end of last year, opening an opportunity for Reed to become part of the district.
“After being in banking for 18 years, I decided to do something different,” Reed says. The twist in job styles hasn’t detoured her, though. Reed has very high hopes and a few goals for the upcoming year and her future in this job.
Reed loves the job so far. Reed has realized that she has to be able to handle a variety of students. “I love seeing so many different kids a day!” says Reed. With all of the positives of this job, she is aware that it’s going to have rough spots.
“My main plan for this job is to keep everyone quiet and focused,” Reed says. We all know that teenagers aren’t always an understanding group, but Reed wants to become closer to the students instead of being too hard on them. “I hope to impact the students by being someone they can come and talk to. It’s difficult to be so serious. Sometimes you just have to laugh!”
So as the 2016-17 school year roles on, Reed will continue to be fun and outgoing. Though she may enforce some rules in the classroom, she will still be seen as fun and spontaneous. The new era will hopefully make study halls a better place for productivity and improvement.