Rylee Parsons
Head football coach Greg Bonnett is presented with the semi-final participant trophy after Saturday’s loss.
After a 5:30 a.m. sendoff and making the just shy of a 2-hour trip to the UNI-Dome this past Saturday to compete in the semi-final game for a chance for the state title, the Mustangs football season has come to a close. Juniors Evan Jones and Shay Burns talk about what the team did preseason wise to prepare for this successful season. “Preseason consisted of summer workouts in the morning, everyday lifting, doing drills, and conditioning.” Burns states. Jones added on with, “Preseason looked a lot of hard work across the board to make ourselves the best we could be.” Both Burns and Jones had setbacks they had to overcome to make sure they could get back on the field. Burns’ main setback was a wrist injury he encountered over this summer. Burns talked about the injury, stating, “I couldn’t participate in everything during summer workouts, but I had to just give it time to heal, work on my wirst strength, and come back stronger than I was.” Jones’ injury happened during the midpoint of the season and has consisted of lots of hours spent at doctors, the training room, and physical therapy visits. Jones, who has been unable to play these past weeks due to this injury, talked about how he is still supporting his teammates from the sidelines. “My way of overcoming it is by staying positive and supporting my teammates the best I can.” Making it to the state tournament has been the main goal for these boys every season they play. This year they got to refuel that fire that’s been burning out since 2020. With some injuries, controversial calls, and nerves at an all-time high, the Mustangs ended their season 11-1 with a 56-28 loss against the Spirit Lake Indians Saturday morning. Farewells were said, hugs were given, and tears were shed for this 2024 team. Junior Alex Wednt touched on what he will miss most about this insanely talented team and how the gaps in the roster will be filled next season. “I will miss the seniors the most from this team; not just who they are as football players but as people too. I have built relationships with each of them, and they will definitely be missed.” Wednt continued on with, “People will have to step up to fill the gaps. We have some underclassmen that will find a greater role next season and should fill those.” Despite the Mustangs losing 18 seniors this year, there are still plenty of underclassmen ready to fill these spots when their time comes!